Carlo Gino Catapang
Frontend Developer at Tre
Stockholm, Sweden
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Recent Blogs
Build a multilingual NextJS app using the new app directory - cookie-based
Learn how to build a multilingual NextJS app using the new app directory and i18next library
Sat, Dec 9, 2023
Build a free link shortener with Next.js and Vercel Postgres
Create a link shortener with Next.js and Vercel Postgres. Learn dynamic routing, database connection, and domain customization.
Mon, Aug 21, 2023
Build a multilingual NextJS app using the new app directory - URL-based
Learn how to build a multilingual NextJS app using the new app directory and i18next library
Wed, Aug 9, 2023
Next.js and OpenAI Text Completion
How to build a simple Q&A using Next.js and OpenAI Text Completion
Thu, Mar 30, 2023